My most recent AIM conversation with God:
Will: Hey, what's up.
RegisPhanInfinity: Hey, kind of busy.
Will: Oh really, what's going on?
RegisPhanInfinity: Creating a new kind of species.
Will: Really? Wait...to replace humans?
RegisPhanInfinity: No.
Will: Are you lying?
RegisPhanInfinity: No...
Will: Seriously, God, are you lying?
RegisPhanInfinity: Lol, no.
Will: God, you know I hate it when you say Lol. It's an annoying way to say you're laughing.
RegisPhanInfinity: Dude, you say "haha". How's that any different?
Will: Fuck if I know, it just seems less annoying.
RegisPhanInfinity: Don't curse when you're talking to me, it's juvenile.
RegisPhanInfinity: You there?
Will: Yeah, sorry, I was just taking a phone call.
RegisPhanInfinity: Will, I'm God, who's call is more important than our AIM conversation?
Will: I don't want to say.
RegisPhanInfinity: You know I can just find out.
Will: Please don't look, it's embarrassing.
RegisPhanInfinity: Just tell me.
Will: No.
RegisPhanInfinity: Fine...hold on...oh me, why are you talking to her still?
Will: I don't know...
RegisPhanInfinity: I gave you balls, son, so you could use them. Seriously, get a spine.
Will: She's changed, God, she's changed.
RegisPhanInfinity: No, she's lying to you.
Will: How do you know?
RegisPhanInfinity: ...
Will: Fuck, right, you're God, you know everything.
RegisPhanInfinity: STOP CURSING.
Will: Dude, you just made a door slam in my house, not cool, my dog woke up.
RegisPhanInfinity: That wasn't me. That was a ghost.
Will: Ghosts exist?
RegisPhanInfinity: Yep...
Will: Really?
RegisPhanInfinity: HA! You're so gullible.
Will: Sorry, I usually like to take the word of God without suspicion that it's fucking bullshit.
RegisPhanInfinity: Stop cursing!
Will: Fuck no!
RegisPhanInfinity: Fine....
Will: Alright, now I have a large handlebar mustache.
RegisPhanInfinity: It's what you get for being a dick.
Will: You just cursed.
RegisPhanInfinity: "Dick" isn't a curse word.
Will: The way you used it, it is.
RegisPhanInfinity: Whatev.
RegisPhanInfinity: You there?
RegisPhanInfinity: Hello?
Will: Yeah, sorry, bathroom break. I had some bad chicken for lunch, and it's making me shit a storm.
RegisPhanInfinity: TMI.
Will: What?
RegisPhanInfinity: Too Much Info...
Will: Sorry.
Will: Can I ask you a question?
RegisPhanInfinity: As long as it's not what's the meaning of life, because as I've told you, even I have no idea.
Will: No, it's not that, I was wondering, what's up with your sn?
RegisPhanInfinity: I love Regis.
Will: Til infinity?
RegisPhanInfinity: No, my opinion can change.
Will: Then what's the infinity part?
RegisPhanInfinity: That's the year I was born in.
RegisPhanInfinity: "RegisPhan" was taken.
Will: Know who?
RegisPhanInfinity: Regis himself.
Will: Wow, someone thinks highly of himself.
RegisPhanInfinity: Yeah, but that's part of the reason I love him so much.
Will: Gotcha.
Will: Ok, I have to go...
RegisPhanInfinity: Dude, ignore her call.
RegisPhanInfinity: Seriously.
Will: Maybe.
RegisPhanInfinity: Ok, so you're going to take it, you're "maybes" mean "I'm going to ignore your advice".
Will: Can't lie to you, I'm going to go, peace.
RegisPhanInfinity: Later, oh by the way, you're my favorite person in the world.
Will: Thanks.
RegisPhanInfinity: Don't tell anyone though, please don't put this on your blog.
Will: I won't.
Will is away at 11:28:53 PM.
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